Vase Makeover
Think twice before you throw out that ugly old vase.
I have had an ugly old green case sitting in my basement for years. I have thought about throwing it out a few times. But, for some reason I never did. Something just kept telling me to hold onto it. I'm SO HAPPY I did.
When I decided to give this vase new life, I honestly went into this project blind. I had no set plan. All I knew is I had some drywall compound left over in my garage and I wanted to use it up.
I had no idea if it would stick to the vase or crumbed as it dried and all fall off. I decided to give it a go and I'm blown away by how amazing the vase makeover turned out.
Follow along with me and I will show you how I took this old ugly vase and turned into into a high end looking decor piece.
It’s amazing how we evolve over time. How our style evolves. I remember when I bought this I loved it. But over time it got moved into my basement, and then into my storage room. When I look at it all I think is, “I can’t believe I paid money for that” . It needed new life, so that what I gave it.
Lets get started:
Materials Needed:
Drywall compound (mud)
halk paint in chiffon cream
mirror effect gold
Putty knife
(you can do whatever color you chose
Honestly, this project is so easy. Just use your putty knife to apply compound all over the vase in random directions to create a textured look.
I taped off about 2” from the top, do this before you start to apply the compound. I didn’t do this before I started, but should have. I didn’t want compound to get on the neck since I was going to spray paint that a different color.
Once I had the surface of the vase covered, I went over and smoothed out a few spots where the compound looked really thick.
I took the tape off the top before i left the vase to dry. I didn't want the compound to crack after it was dry. I was worried this would happen if I waited to take the tape off.
I decided to let the vase dry naturally. I was tempted to put a fan on it to speed up the process but I was worried The fan would cause it to dry to fast and it would all crack and fall off.
The total drying time will vary with how thick your compound was applied but mine took just over 2 days to dry. You will be able to tell which parts are dry because they will be a shade lighter, as well, if you touch the compound it will feel cool if still wet.
Time For Paint
After the drywall compound was completely dry, I re taped off the top, so I could spray the base. I used a color called “chiffon cream” I ended up spraying 3 coats on the base.
I then used a plastic bag to protect the bottom while I sprayed the top with the gold mirrored finish.
Once the paint was dry I removed all the tape and plastic. And, that's it. That's all.
Stand back and admire your masterpiece
Such a simple DIY with such amazing results. This vase went from and old dingy green to an expensive looking textured creamy gold decor piece.
I am so happy this turned out , and even better than I could have imagined.
Thanks for following along with me and hope you enjoyed this simple DIY.
Dont forget to follow along with me on Instagram and Pinterest. You can also find a video tutorial on my IG page saved my highlights.
I cannot wait for our next DIY together